Feli met de APK!
BX 19 GT ‘85, XM 2.0 TCT ‘94, CX 2400 GTI ‘81, BX 14 ‘89, AX 1.4 Rallye ‘96
ex: BX 14 Rallye, XM 2.0 8v, XM 2.0 16v, BX 14, BX 14, CX 2400 Prestige, XM V6 ‘90
Hoi Gloof!
When the BX was with me I replaced with new parts:
- distributor cap (verdelerkap?)
- Rotor arm
- King lead (the high voltage cable between the coil and distributor)
- Fuel filter
- Fuel pump
That is all I changed. Of course these new parts MIGHT have been faulty but I hope this helps you to figure out what you do and do not need to replace.
The BX is looking VERY good and I’m really pleased you have done it proud
Current: 1992 VW Golf 1.8 CL
Previous Citroën: 1991 BX GTi. 280,000km ... Sold July 2013
Plenty of cars pre-NL
English guy living in NL since Feb 2013
Hoi Gloof - do you have any news about this BX? I am curious to know if it is still alive. Autoweek Kenteken Check says it changed owner in February this year and the APK expired in July…
Current: 1992 VW Golf 1.8 CL
Previous Citroën: 1991 BX GTi. 280,000km ... Sold July 2013
Plenty of cars pre-NL
English guy living in NL since Feb 2013
Weten wij nix over dit BX?
Current: 1992 VW Golf 1.8 CL
Previous Citroën: 1991 BX GTi. 280,000km ... Sold July 2013
Plenty of cars pre-NL
English guy living in NL since Feb 2013

Totaal aantal Berichten: 9070
Geregistreerd: 05-04-2007
- Xantia 1.8i SX
- BX 16 TZI
- Xantia 2.0i SX Automatic
What I’ve heard it’s already dead..
Mijn Citroen foto’s & gespotte Citroen’s & miniaturen etc. Facebook
Renault Avantime 2.0T 2003 blauw
Renault Espace 2000 TSE 1986 groen
Renault Espace 2000 GTS 1987 grijs
BX 16 TZI 1991 wit
Xantia 2.0i SX Automatic 1993 blauw
Xantia 1.8i SX 1993 blauw
Ex: Verschillende BXen (1.4, 1.6, GTi), Xantia’s (1.8, 2.0), XM 2.0i Ambiance.
“Als je wat met die bollen krijgt, nou, dan weet je het wel.”

Totaal aantal Berichten: 763
Geregistreerd: 11-09-2010
- CX Break 2500 D Super
- BX 16TRS
- BX Sport
- Dyane 6
- BX BX GTi 16 Soupapes
Zoveel werk er in stoppen en dan…...
Knettergek die BX liefhebbers
Ex: (tel kwijt) Xantia & BX & CX - divers Japans spul - Volvo 440 en een slOpel Astra….