Barn Find CX 2200 Super in Russia
< 100 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 10
Geregistreerd: 26-01-2014

Gepost: 09 december 2014 01:41 PM

Hi dear,
Last weekend I found a CX 2200 Super stood in garage for the last 22 years. Mileage is only 56 000km, but body have some rust. It will be my third CX-project “100% original” Smile
I have a few questions, hope you can help me.
1) I know, that my CX is 2200 Super without DIRAVI, so it was produced from 01/1975 to 07/1976, but do you have any ideas how to know exactly ? This is plate:

2) I need brown central console ( like on the picture, marked red):

and door panels in good condition. I already wrote to Peter Bonhof and Garage Hydraulique, but they have not.

3) I have oldfashion airco, with York (?) compressor. Is it possible to find dryer for this system? Is it possible to repair this type of compressor ?

Thank you in advance Smile

> 17000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 17407
Geregistreerd: 15-10-2006

- CX 2400 Super
Gepost: 09 december 2014 01:56 PM
  [ # 1 ]

Cool project! With that centre console it is a model year 1976 and with that VIN it should be quite far into that model year. According to the book “CX, une lignée Prestigieuse” the first CX 2200 of model year 1976 was 01MC3001. You could order a document from the Conservatoire stating the exact production date and the original specifications of your car.

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> 3000 berichten
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Gepost: 09 december 2014 02:26 PM
  [ # 2 ]

Hi there, nice find !

Airco: You might have had the system filled with Freon 12, not available anymore ( perhaps still at your place), that was common in the past.
You will have to change to “modern gas” , whatever is available at your place.
If you change the “gas” you also have to change the oil in the compressor.
I would see if the compressor is still 1. pumping to check the valves and the pistons and 2. not leaking mainly in the shaft joint.
You might be surprised as these york’s are quite resilient.
Repair is doable, but pieces is another problem. Mostly changed to sanden 508 or compatible. ( if you might want to use a very modern compressor be careful to check the sense of rotation ( clockwise or counterclockwise). The old compressors did both as do the 508’s but most modern compressors only support one direction. 

Dryer: You can use a “universal” dryer, there is no specific on that, just make sure you have the same unions ( connections).

Good luck !

To err is human, not to err is divine.

> 2000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 2243
Geregistreerd: 13-09-2006

Gepost: 09 december 2014 09:09 PM
  [ # 3 ]

very nice project!

Please keep in Touch and let us follow your steps in restauration.
the more pictures the better.

good luck!

CX limousine, TRD I, TRD II, Tatra 603, skoda 110, mercedes 240 TD, mercedes 406, mercedes 206, xantia 16v

< 100 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 10
Geregistreerd: 26-01-2014

Gepost: 12 december 2014 11:14 AM
  [ # 4 ]

Thank you very much for information about airco and countenance!
I’ve paid 60 euros to Conservatore to know about my car, and today they sent me a trinket from archives, it means my car was sold in Dakar!
So, I already decided what CX will go to Rally Senegal! Very Happy

> 9000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 9362
Geregistreerd: 25-05-2010

- CX break 2500 RD diesel 1986
- ID/DS pallas 1967
- CX Prestige 2400 1976
- CX 2200 diesel super
- CX 25IE automaat
- CX 2500 pallas diesel
Gepost: 12 december 2014 11:20 AM
  [ # 5 ]

very good

De boer is troef
Après cette énième cx

Restauratie Prestige laagdaks, er is weer vooruitgang.

> 6000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 6503
Geregistreerd: 10-02-2005

- CX 2000 Pallas
- DS 3 1.2 So Chic
Gepost: 12 december 2014 01:19 PM
  [ # 6 ]

Wow, that proves to be an interesting history. From Paris to Dakar to Russia… Great key ring.
Good door panels will be near to impossible to find I’m afraid.

“Het zijn gewoon supergoeie auto’s!”
ex: XM 2.0 Turbo CT (1999), CX 25 TGD Turbo / 25 TGi Break (1991), Saxo 1.1i (2003)

> 17000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 17407
Geregistreerd: 15-10-2006

- CX 2400 Super
Gepost: 12 december 2014 05:36 PM
  [ # 7 ]

A car with an interesting history! It must have the “pack isother” and it probably has some more equipment that was specific for African cars.

Doneer, zo blijven we draaien! 
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> 6000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 6503
Geregistreerd: 10-02-2005

- CX 2000 Pallas
- DS 3 1.2 So Chic
Gepost: 12 december 2014 07:36 PM
  [ # 8 ]

Would this be a CX Grande Exportation? The only visible difference (according to Michael Buurma’s excellent book) apart from the optional A/C, would be a reinforced spring for the bonnet. Other things, such as thicker insulation, two roll-up sun blinds for the rear window and tinted windows are more common, be it not for the early model years. A CX G.E. would be possible since it is a model year 1976.

“Het zijn gewoon supergoeie auto’s!”
ex: XM 2.0 Turbo CT (1999), CX 25 TGD Turbo / 25 TGi Break (1991), Saxo 1.1i (2003)

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