hulpvraag uit the states
> 800 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 831
Geregistreerd: 11-02-2007

- ID/DS DS21 Pallas BVH
- ID/DS DS 23 IE Pallas BVH
Gepost: 05 juni 2017 11:58 PM

Nieuwe amerikaanse break eigenaar heeft wat problemen:

Friend came over for dinner and we bled the front brakes and the bleeder screw on the accumulator under this distributor one more time .  Drove up to house trying the brakes and still the same rear end dropping down/nosedive. Any other things to look at?  Bleeding the rear brakes-I believe they are shoes shouldn’t make a difference.  At least now the car is not hunched down on it’s ass in the morning as it had been.  It stays pumped up much better.  Any suggestions appreciated.


> 700 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 758
Geregistreerd: 10-12-2006

- Xsara Break 1.6 16V
- C5 2.0 HDiF Break Exclusive
- ID/DS DS21 Pallas BVH
- ID/DS DS 23 Break bv5
Gepost: 06 juni 2017 07:00 AM
  [ # 1 ]

There is no bleeder screw on the accumulator under the dizzy, that is a pressure relief bypass. Front brakes are bled on the calipers (or on the Centrifugal Regulator in case of a Citromatic gearbox).
The rear suspension feeds the rear (drum) brakes. Rear suspension dropping during braking usually means air or too much brake shoe travel in the drums. So by all means: DO bleed (and adjust per spec if you can) the rear brakes!
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