Xantia kachelradiateur vervangen
< 100 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 3
Geregistreerd: 07-10-2020

Gepost: 10 oktober 2020 09:09 AM

Beste mensen, wij moeten de kachelradiateur vervangen van onze Xantia (bouwjaar 1999). Nu hebben wij uiteraard wel iets gelezen op het forum echter de linkjes werken niet meer dus komen wij niet echt verder. Wij weten dat het een flinke klus is maar wij willen het toch graag proberen - de herfstvakantie staat voor de deur dus een hele week de tijd. Het zou bijvoorbeeld fijn zijn om te weten hoe wij het dashboard moeten uit- en inbouwen en wat er nog meer moet gebeuren en waar wij op moeten letten.
Het is uiteraard ook prima voor ons om te weten waar wij de informatie kunnen zoeken. Staat het bijvoorbeeld in een werkplaatshandboek?
Wie o wie kan ons helpen?
Het is helemaal gelukt!

> 10000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 10321
Geregistreerd: 21-04-2006

- Overig Mercedes CLA 250 shooting brake
Gepost: 10 oktober 2020 10:39 AM
  [ # 1 ]

In de Haynes staat het uitgebreid met foto’s en al. Wel in het Engels.

ex 2cv 15pk, 11BL 1938, dspecial 1973, ds pallas 23 IE bvh 1973, gs, austin princess 2300, cx 2400 break, bx 19 d, cx 2500 trd, xm 2.0 16v, mgb, mgc, Suzuki vitara, ds 21 ie pallas 1971, saxo 1.1i, sm 2.7 ie, xantia 2.0 16v, C5 3.0V6 exclusive, C4 1.6HDI, C4 1.6 16v.

> 7000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 7313
Geregistreerd: 18-01-2004

- SM 2.7 carb
Gepost: 10 oktober 2020 10:53 AM
  [ # 2 ]

Inderdaad haynes lekker in je eigen tempo. Deze samenvatting kwam ik ook tegen.

P.s. onderstaande link ffff plaatsen in google translate dan op een A4’tje printen en sleutelen maar Wink


Inside car, push seats back as far as possible, recline as far as possible (seats, not you!). Remove centre console.

Disconnect battery, remove steering wheel, cowls and airbag after 10 mins. Remove the trim below the steering column complete. Remove switch panels, remove clocks, remove radio,and it’s surround, remove ashtray, prise out centre facia vents, remove the vents and the associated framework that extends down to the ashtray aperture.

Remove the screws holding the heater control panel and push it backwards and out of the way. No need to remove it completely.

Disconnect all wires to the steering column controls and the rotary (no need to remove rotary) disconnect ignition switch. Undo the four nuts holding the steering column and drop it to the floor. Don’t disconnect the UJ at the base of the steering column.

Remove scuttle panel, move wiper assembly to one side. prise off the rubber caps visible under the screen. Remove the three 10mm nuts you see but NOT the 13mm bolt under one of the caps.

Disconnect and remove the tweeters, note Xac’s advice! Remove the relay below the Diagnostic Socket, Undo every bolt you see holding the dash to the sides of the body on each side. Remove a 10mm bolt up under and to the left of the steering column low down. Remove the 10 and 13mm bolts on base of the hoop (grabrails) on the transmission tunnel. Remove the 10mm bolt at the back behind where the radio sat. Remove the long 10mm bolt the can be seen going left into the grab rail hoop from the radio aperture.

Gently draw the dash forward, top first and reach behind and disconnect the passenger airbag (if fitted) and the wires to the glovebox light and switch. the wire to the light is best disconnected by removing the light from within the glovebox. Lift dash panel out, being careful of the bottom grab rail mounting fouling the centre console loom. If it does not come forward and up easily, not everything is removed and/or disconnected. Recheck. Have an assistant ease the bottom of the dash panel over the diagnostic socket and fusebox.

Remove the drivers grabrail hoop complete. It is held by two 13mm units under where the clocks were.

Temporarily replace the steering column and reconnect the ignition switch. battery reconnected, restart the engine and run until up to temperature. Disconnect the matrix connector with the engine hot. Press the metal lever toward the nearside of the car whilst pulling firmly. Use hands only and tease it and worry it sideways and up and down until it comes apart. Keep pressure on the clip lever at all times. Beware of a splash of hot water when it gives up the fight and lets go. Wear gloves.

Disconnect battery again. Drop the steering column again.

Undo the two Torx (T25) screws holding the oval metal plate on the matrix pipes now visible in the engine bay. Remove the plate and the rubber gasket underneath it.

Undo the nut (with a fibre washer behind it) that can be seen in the middle of the bulkhead below and to the right of the matrix connector. This is one nut that holds the heater box in place.

Inside, remove the Torx screws that secure the loom across the top of the steering column. Pull the loom well out of the way to expose the top of the matrix.

Identify two gold coloured 10mm bolts that hold the two halves of the heater box together. They will be at the top and bottom and the heads face toward the passenger side. Remove these. Identify the posidriv screw that holds the drivers side air vent duct to the heater box. Remove this screw and pull the vent duct out of the way. The heater box will now split by pushing the bit that contains the matrix toward the drivers side. Push and pull it until the matrix pipes pop through the bulkhead. Unclip the old matrix, tease it out, clean out the heater box and pop the new matrix in.

Reassembly is a reversal etc. etc.

Clean the ends of the matrix connector, fit new O rings and grease well with Vaseline.

That’s it in a very brief and quick nutshell. Don’t force anything. If the dash won’t come easily, there will be something stopping it. Ditto the heater box splitting. The dash is quite heavy and awkward to carry.

This brief summary can be fleshed out over the coming days. I’m sure it’ll raise more questions but fire away. This thread will become the definitive guide!

One tip is to take lots of photos to remind of how it goes, especially how the dash looms run. Pop the drivers side vent grille out of the dash before putting the dash back in.

This applies mainly to a MK1 but a MK2 is very similar although a tad more difficult due to a much bigger loom running across the heater box and a few additional ECUs that get in the way.

Phew. Easy if you read it quickly…

Citroën SM: Ceci n’est pas une voiture…..c’est un art de vivre !!

history: BX gti (2x), BX sport, BX 16V MK2,Xantia 2.0 SX, DS23 pallas injection.

Rene Hoekstra
> 1800 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 1803
Geregistreerd: 13-05-2007

- (Grand) C4 Picasso Exclusive, Panoramadak, 18 Inch Atacama velgen
Gepost: 11 oktober 2020 11:31 AM
  [ # 3 ]

Ik kan in mijn service-box/service.citroën (in het Nederlands) kijken of ik de handleiding kan vinden, desgewenst kan ik het als pdf naar je opsturen via e-mail.
Ik heb dan wel het motortype nodig en je e-mail adres, stuur mij dat via een PM.

C4 Picasso 2.0 16v Exclusive automaat AL4.
Lexia/Diagbox (7.60).
ServiceBox Citroën en Peugeot (11-2013).

Rene Hoekstra
> 1800 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 1803
Geregistreerd: 13-05-2007

- (Grand) C4 Picasso Exclusive, Panoramadak, 18 Inch Atacama velgen
Gepost: 12 oktober 2020 03:33 PM
  [ # 4 ]

De pdf bestandjes zijn onderweg

C4 Picasso 2.0 16v Exclusive automaat AL4.
Lexia/Diagbox (7.60).
ServiceBox Citroën en Peugeot (11-2013).

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