Hi Netherland Citroen fans
I hope it’s allright to write in english, as my dutch is quite rusty. Meanwhile I address an issue here as the concentration of specialist petrol heads to my experience are pretty high here ? (positive meant).
I am a former Citroën Club member in Denmark (Visa GTi + XM V6) and know some dutch Citroën enthusiasts, (Voetel family).
However I think I must ask the community for this one.
My friend has a Citroën SM for restauration, and through the process he demolished the Ignition Switch beyond repair.
New such things are hard to get, so he found another similar switch from another Citroën, has 8 wires as the SM.
Now I need to clone them. I am an Electronic Engineer.
The “new” one has 4 positions; 1.Off - 2.On (something - probably the radio) - 3.Ignition - 4.Starter engage. 8 wires.
Question; Does the SM Ignition Switch also have 4 positions?
Your help will be much appreciated.
Hi Netherland Citroen fans
I hope it’s allright to write in english, as my dutch is quite rusty. Meanwhile I address an issue here as the concentration of specialist petrol heads to my experience are pretty high here
Does this help: It shows the positions from a USA SM.
Position 1: Locked.
Position 2: Free: Can be used for accessories.
Position 3: Contact.
Position 4: Start
If I remember well the Free position has one wire connected, the “Contact” position 2 switched wires.
To err is human, not to err is divine.
It sure helps a lot.
Thank you so much for your quick response and the file. Just what I needed.
(Fighting to get my complete message through)

Totaal aantal Berichten: 25645
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
Where did you get the switch from, stratos?
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
bogaard77 schreef:Where did you get the switch from, stratos?
I asked him. He aquired the switch more than 10 years ago, so he does not remember.
Meanwhile - I just sat and measured the sets through.
There are four sets of switches, which conduct in a reasonable manner;
1. off - on - on - off could be radio
2. off - on - on - off could be lights
3. off - off - on - on ignition
4. off - off - off - on starter
I found same functions on the old one.
That’s the regular wiring set for a Citroen SM and also for some CX’s: They were all made by Simplex.
As Citroen changed the wiring a couple of times you need to follow the wiring diagram to get the exact functions.
The switch on the locked position was for the permanent powered devices, which you however would unpowered if you start the car: The startmotor and ignition needed all the electric energy, no waste for other functions.
To err is human, not to err is divine.