kent iemand Militec-1?
> 25000 berichten
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Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003

- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
Gepost: 08 september 2006 02:52 PM

dit kwam langs in de SM yahoo group:

Een noor schreef het volgende:

I have used Militec on all my Citroens for almost 8 years now, and
my experience for about 300.000km in different Citroens is very good.
Militec is absolutely not a “snake oil” it does work. I have also a
lot of friends here in Norway that use Militec-1 with very good
results. First of all: There is no need for what you call “extreme
pressure” before Militec works. The only thing that is necessary for
Militec to work is that the metal surface must be warm, min. 45
degrees Celsius or warmer. And Militec does not contain any teflon
or chlorinated paraffins. It look like SAE 10 oil, but it smells
totally different. According to the product spesifications it is
based on synthetic hydrocarbon derivates and no solids. I also use it
on the hydraulic systems in my Citroens.
I have used Militec on the following cars:
1. 1992 Citroen 3,0 V6 km from 165.000 to 294.360 km (car was then
sold) the engine run as new, no problem at all, and it was stilll not
using any oil.
2. 1999 Ctroen 2,0 Turbo Activa. Km from 72.000 and it has now passed
150.000km. When i changed oil in last february I discovered that the
car had run 43.850 km since last oil change, but the oil was still
light brown in color and it was up 3/4 on the dip stick. I have had
zero problems with the engine, it starts immedately even in - 25 C
cold weather.
The fuel consumption dropped from an average of 1,05 liter pr km
down to 0,89 pr km. At the lowest the car runs on 0,68 pr km. in long
trip journey at 80- 90 km/hour.
The engine feels stronger, and the torque must have increased. My
Citroen Activa Turbo 2,0L easely pulls from idling speed even in 5th
gear. Last winter i got a leakage of hydralic oil form the hydraulic
cylinders that prevent the car from bending our when cornering hard
(Activa) both form the front and rear hydraulic cylinders. Citrioen
told me that it was not possible to repair those cyllinders, they
must be changed with new ones, each costing more than 1.200$ here in
Norway. I then added Militec-1 to the hydralic reservoir at the
recomended amount. I must admit that i was a bit nervous, knowing
that Citroen do not recomend anything but their own LHM oil. But I
only put 4 unse of Militec into the LHM. The only thing that
happende after some ours of driving, was that the suspension reacted
more quicly, and the red warning light turned of in less seconds.
That was back in february. It was cold outside and the LHM from the
anti diving system painted still the snow green. Three months later
in the spring I suddenly discovered that there was no LHM on the
ground. The leak from both hydraulic cylinders was totally gone. And
it still has, driving now about 10.000km since the leak stoped. The
only explenation must be according to Militec: Smother and stiffer
metal makes oil and piston rings seal more effectively.
3. Citroen AX 1,4 TRI . From km 168.000 and up to now 181.400 km
( My wifes car) The result after adding Militiec-1 on that rather
exhausted car have been absolutely astonishing!
It normally takes som 100 - 500 km before you get the full effect
from the product, and after 3-4 days of normal driving the engine
idel speed had increased form 850 rpm to nearly 1200 rpm. (its an old
engine with no electronic idle controll). I had to unscrew the idle
screw all the way before the idle speed finally dropped to 800 rpm.
The car has now been driving 22.000 km since adding Militec-1.
Besides that the fuel consumption has dropped form 0,73 to 0.62 the
most impressive side is the increase in torque and power. Now I
( and my wife) can drive it like it has an atomatic transmission.
When reaching 40 km/h put it in 5th speed and it pulls straight from
850 rpm even up hills. I toke our old AX to our Citroen dealer and
asked the chef mechanic to try it out ,without telling him anything
but paying attention to the engine. He took it for a spin and after
10 min he came arrived, asking in what way I had tuned the engine. He
hardly belived me when i told him that the only thing I had done,
was using Militec-1 on the engine and gearbox. Before adding Militec
the engine also used a lot of oil. aprox. 1 liter at 3000 km. Now it
has runs 5000 km on 1 liter of engine oil.
4.Citron 2CV 6 1987 mod. km 86.000. On this small engine the effect
of Militec has not been so dramatical as to the AX. The engine
certenly runs smother, and the idling speed increased a bit, but it´s
hard to tell anything about the fuel consump. My daughter is driving
the 2CV and she always forget to take notes when she fills up the
5. Vespa 125 ccm scooter. km 9500 adding Mlitec-1 to the 2 cycle oil.
According to my daughter who owns the scooter, the top speed
increased from 90 km/h to 95/h and it pulled much better with to
persons up hills.

PS My wife use Militec on her sewing machine and my youngest son use
it on his radio controlled electric car. I also use it on my 30hp
outboard and my lawn mover. So far Militec-1 has obvisely saved me a
lot of money.


dus…. zou het werken?

Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>

Simpele Ziel
> 7000 berichten
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Geregistreerd: 29-07-2003

Gepost: 08 september 2006 03:04 PM
  [ # 1 ]

1 ding is zeker, die vent moet ofwel aandelen hebben of hij is de hoofd afnemer Laughing

BMW E91 30D Touring, BMW E36 320i Cabrio
Ex BX 16v, Ex AX GTI

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- Xantia 1.9 TD Break
Gepost: 11 september 2006 01:15 PM
  [ # 2 ]

The fuel consumption dropped from an average of 1,05 liter pr km
down to 0,89 pr km. At the lowest the car runs on 0,68 pr km. in long
trip journey at 80- 90 km/hour.

Als m’n auto er 1 op 2 van gaat rijden zou ik het toch liever niet gebruiken Rolling Eyes

BX19TD van 319000 - 406400 kms—> Verkocht aan Emiel (bx19trs)

"De pasvorm is zo belabberd dat ‘t best origineel zou kunnen zijn" - Harm

> 2000 berichten
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Gepost: 11 september 2006 01:40 PM
  [ # 3 ]

If it sounds to good to be true, then usually it is to good to be true…...

Elke paar jaar komt er wel zo´n supermiddel voorbij, Slick 50, de teleshops overdag op televisie, etc.

De enige die er echt beter van wordt is de producent. Voor je auto zou ik er weinig van verwachten.

Jos van der Voort

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