Has anyone removed a gearbox from the DS?
I undid all the bolts except 2 which did nt have the normal type head Is it a special tool? and why ever would Citroen do that? Or is that a silly question
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Sorry forgot to say…
It is done now as you can see but what a performance. 2 broken 6mm spanners too
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Sorry I keep unloading pics then moving them ops:
Also the trouble with barn finds is straw and mummified Rats
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
where is this bolt comming from, never seen it before.
I ‘ve took two of those bolts out of my transmission (ID ‘62) Special socket is available @ Chyparse.
Good luck!
They go on the bellhousing of the gearbox about middle horizontal.
Why they would do it I dont know just the 2 (one on each side) all the rest were normal bolts.
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Greeney schreef:They go on the bellhousing of the gearbox about middle horizontal.
Why they would do it I dont know just the 2 (one on each side) all the rest were normal bolts.
Maybe there’s not enough room for regular bolts, I’m not sure! Have to look into it next week!
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
That is the reason. Use those hexagonal ones at rebuilt
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
bogaard77 schreef:That is the reason. Use those hexagonal ones at rebuilt
Good idea!
Totaal aantal Berichten: 11779
Geregistreerd: 06-05-2007
- Xantia TD SX
Allen-type bolts or Inbus as we call them?? Good idea! But use lots of copper grease, you do NOT want those to stick should you need to take the ‘box back out… Cost me several moped-engines, stunts like that…
Doneer, zo blijven we draaien!
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Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
I have left them out all together… The “wielewaal” ( the original) is a pretty type of bolt but I did not see the need.
An Allen kan be unscrewed with the proper bit on your wrench.
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
bogaard77 schreef:I have left them out all together… The “wielewaal” ( the original) is a pretty type of bolt but I did not see the need.
An Allen kan be unscrewed with the proper bit on your wrench.
van waar komt die bout, heb ik nog nooit gezien bij demontages.. ik ben heel nieuwsgierig..
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
Zet de bak vast aan het blok. ik dacht de 1 na onderste aan beide zijkanten.
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
Totaal aantal Berichten: 3194
Geregistreerd: 16-06-2005
- SM 2.7 Carburateur
- C5 exclusive
- Berlingo 1.4 I multispace
- 2CV special
bogaard77 schreef:Zet de bak vast aan het blok. ik dacht de 1 na onderste aan beide zijkanten.
Yep , is dezelfde kop als de bout van de hoogteregelaar rond de torsiebar .
Vroeger plaatste ik hier altijd een gewone M7 in .
De oude M7 bouten hadden nog een kop van 12 mm , nieuwere zijn maar 11 mm .
Vandaar deze speciale koppen , die sleutel gebruikten ze toch al dus waarom niet ....
Meten is weten , gissen is missen