I was looking at the stripped car today and thinking about removing all the hydraulic pipes then got to thinking about emergency spares.
What would it be best to keep in case of a leak? where do the pipes more often leak from? the metal unions?
This way I could keep a small amount in the boot tool box “just in case”
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
The one that goes wrong is the one you are not carriering in you boot!
I.g. the long ones leading to the rear of your car.
Keep all line that you can get from the parts car.
The one you have to have with you is the rubber hose from main accumulator to the LHMbowl.
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
Yes you are right always the one you have nt got
I had to cut a few for speed as they were in the way while I was dismantling the leading arms on the front but I have managed to keep a few including the rubber one from the LHM reservoir across the top of the engine to the pump.
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
pipes never leak, only the rubber joints and moving parts.
Totaal aantal Berichten: 8480
Geregistreerd: 19-05-2007
- CX 25 RD break, Jacqueline
- BX 1.9 TURD, de Euro
vikingo schreef:pipes never leak, only the rubber joints and moving parts.
i’m afraid i can’t agree. in the 18 years i can call myself a cx driver, i had it twice. a leaking pipe. one caused by a rubbing on a corner, such an edge, in the enginebay, one because the tremble over the years caused fatigue. what do you call that, metaalmoeheid? yes, metal fatigue.
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
garagestmarien schreef:vikingo schreef:pipes never leak, only the rubber joints and moving parts.
i’m afraid i can’t agree. in the 18 years i can call myself a cx driver, i had it twice. a leaking pipe. one caused by a rubbing on a corner, such an edge, in the enginebay, one because the tremble over the years caused fatigue. what do you call that, metaalmoeheid? yes, metal fatigue.
And don’t rule out RUST! Espacially with DS rear breakes!
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
garagestmarien schreef:vikingo schreef:pipes never leak, only the rubber joints and moving parts.
i’m afraid i can’t agree. in the 18 years i can call myself a cx driver, i had it twice. a leaking pipe. one caused by a rubbing on a corner, such an edge, in the enginebay, one because the tremble over the years caused fatigue. what do you call that, metaalmoeheid? yes, metal fatigue.
Rubbing of pipes against any part of the car should always be avoided, we all know that any car is a gaint vibrator with a oversized engine
This rubbing is excluded when installing the pipes correctly and when using rubbers at all fixations of the hydraulic pipes .
Hydraulic pipes should never tremble, also here is false installing te cause. FE: the long beams going from the front to the back are tightend together with rubber and tyraps only to avoid trembling, and to form a secure rigid beam.
Rust can be detected and handeled, pipes of the green hydraulic system will never rust from the inside outwards, always from the outside inwards. Unless you use water instead of LHM to fill up the barrel (bad joke)
Best regards,