I got my DS back from the garage a couple of weeks ago as you know and it has been good, today I have done 500klm in it and from starting this morning I occasionally, when I put my foot on the brake button (just as I touched it) got a vibration but more like a BUZZ she braked normally but it was just that initial touch it squawked almost. it did nt do it all the time either and I used them a great deal today as I drove up into the mountains with very winding roads.
ANY ideas? something I need to worry about?
Also even though its been tuned (EI) it tends to judder a bit when I am using the gears to slow my descent on a hill other than that she was great a few rattles in the doors and one of the door locks needs adjusting to lock but all in all I am pleased.
I tried to stay away but you lot are just so good
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Totaal aantal Berichten: 4695
Geregistreerd: 26-08-2005
- SM 2.7 carb
- C3 1.4 HDI exclusive
Probably air in the LHM circuit.
Is it an easy thing for me to purge myself ? Thank you
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Re: Brake button buzz
Greeney schreef:I got my DS back from the garage a couple of weeks ago as you know and it has been good, today I have done 500klm in it and from starting this morning I occasionally, when I put my foot on the brake button (just as I touched it) got a vibration but more like a BUZZ she braked normally but it was just that initial touch it squawked almost. it did nt do it all the time either and I used them a great deal today as I drove up into the mountains with very winding roads.
ANY ideas? something I need to worry about?
Also even though its been tuned (EI) it tends to judder a bit when I am using the gears to slow my descent on a hill other than that she was great a few rattles in the doors and one of the door locks needs adjusting to lock but all in all I am pleased.
I tried to stay away but you lot are just so good
Sounds like you should bleed your brakes, this should be done without a pressurised system. Just loosen your pressure-valve on the regulator, and with help from a friend bleed the front brake calipers and rear cilinders. On a semi-auto the right front is bled thru the centrifugal regulator. The shakes and shutters when descending a hill could indicate worn engine mounts. you should check them. Good luck
Cool thanks for that and Il take a look at the mounts too
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25607
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
Bleeding rear brakes without pressure is useless. The pressure for rear breaks comes for the DS indirectly and for the ID directly from the rear suspension.
Use a bridge ( is that the word in english?) to do the rear breaks.
Your farting brakepedal will probably be gone after a bleeding of the front though!
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
You’re right, Bogaard! ops:
Indeed use a four post lift (bridge) to do the rear brakes! (easy access)
Thank you all I am pleased it nothing too bad after such a lovely drive
We do these things not to escape life but to prevent life escaping us