Hi Everyone,
Sorry for not have the language skills to contribute to your forum in Dutch and hope that you will all bear with me a little.
I’m a fellow Citroen enthusiast living in Perth and currently own a 1964 ID19 rally car a 1974 DS23 Safari and half a CX25ie.
I understand there is a member in Holland who has installed a CX turbo engine into a DS saloon. As this is a project I’ve started (non turbo CX2.5 into a Safari) I would very much like to get in contact with the owner and hopefully get some information on how this was done. If anyone can direct me to the owner or has information on the enginerring of this car please let me know.
Many thanks in advance,
Chris Dunham.

Totaal aantal Berichten: 25639
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
You must inquire at Repair shop: Garage Wim van der Laan in the city of Abbenes.
He has an advertisement banner here on the forum. Good luck!
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
Here are the contacts
Autobedrijf Van der Laan
Hoofdweg 1802
2157ND Abbenes
Tel: 0252 544552
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Misschien toch een beetje meer een type 1 type… of toch type 2
Citroën XM turbo ct
Doneer, zo blijven we draaien!
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Yes, we’re always curious to see such a kind of project.
Especially a rally version is a rare thing to see.
ID uit 1972. (tot nu toe rijdend) opknap project.

Totaal aantal Berichten: 527
Geregistreerd: 20-03-2008
- XM 2.0i Turbo CT Automaat
Howdy partner,
Welcome to the forum m8…
How is it in the downunder??
I read an article in a citroen magazine some time ago about a Dutch DS cabriolet touring across Australia. Have you seen them down in Perth?
and this topic is worthless without pics
ex: ‘96 Citroen Xantia Turbo CT 2.0 VSX break (DE/FR/NL) - de foto’s - xantiablog - overloper binnen de PSA groep, nu een ‘00 Peu 306 1.8XT 16V break quartz gris
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the welcome messages and contact details.
Life in Australia is pretty good at the moment with a nice mild winter, no snow or ice where I am (Perth, Western Australia).
I saw lots of interesting info on the net about the two Dutch guys and their DS Cab as they made their way around the country. There was lots of interest, dident get to see the car or meet them in person however.
There is fair bit of local 2CV preperation going on at the moment for the raid. As far as I know there are about 60 2CV’s going through WA and the NT including part of the Canning Stock Route. A brave trip if you ask me but atleast they will be able to pull each other out of the sand
Roads like these, with 2CVs?

Totaal aantal Berichten: 1659
Geregistreerd: 08-09-2005
- ID/DS DSpécial Berline Confort
- Xsara 1.8i 8V Berline Ligne Prestige
- C5 2.0 16v Berline Caractère BVA
You would be suprised how well a 2CV does these roads.
Don’t forget…...the 2CV was build for the country roads in France, so what’s the difference with them in Australia?
Copain van DS-TT
Citroën: DSpécial Confort Berline-02-1970-ONK
Xsara-N1, 1.8 8v BVA-1997
C5 2.0i 16v Berline Caractère BVA-2007
Peugeot 309 XR Plus, 1.4i-1991
GW-tje schreef:You would be suprised how well a 2CV does these roads.
Don’t forget…...the 2CV was build for the country roads in France, so what’s the difference with them in Australia?
No water.
A 2cv has an aircooled engine. Who needs water ?
Schijt aan originaliteit.
Lelijke Eend schreef:A 2cv has an aircooled engine. Who needs water ?
I do
No, seriously, the only real difference is there is a whole lot of nothing out there in the outback. The 2Cv’s will do fine as they are well prepared and there were a few to pull each other out of the sand.