Ami at
Gepost: 30 april 2008 12:42 PM
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25633
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
> 25000 berichten
Totaal aantal Berichten: 25633
Geregistreerd: 31-07-2003
- Ami 6
- SM 2.7 i.e.
Gepost: 30 april 2008 12:51 PM
[ # 1 ]
and one picture of a Dyane….( in brown/orage)
Zelfbenoemd Citroën Specialist!
Main Entry: bo·gart
Pronunciation: ‘bO-“gärt
Function: verb
2 : to use or consume without sharing. <don’t bogart that joint, pass it over>
Gepost: 30 april 2008 02:03 PM
[ # 2 ]
Dyane, 2CV, AK & Mehari will follow shortly!
Gepost: 05 mei 2008 01:08 PM
[ # 3 ]
Great site, beautiful pictures! Provides some happy moments
Bram TR
XM V6 24v Exclusive 1998
Ami 6 1963
BMW 318i cabrio 1993